Friday, February 3, 2012

Illustration Friday: Suspense

The suspense before the attack was nearly killing me before the enemy could...


  1. Nice one, I agree with poppy, this is excellent!

  2. Yes, I can see that you like line! Weiter so!

  3. Great illustration! Especially like the expression captured here.. Wanted to say thank you too. Thanks for you kind comment and for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend..

  4. A really moving illustration. The expressions on their faces are harrowing. They look so knotted up with stress and your style of line drawing reflects that feeling. Love it.

  5. This Is kind of scary, wow! And perfect in sequel with the 'forward'- post you did. Lots of suspence!

  6. Wow, this is intense! I've always been haunted by descriptions of trench warfare... the claustrophobia as well as the sheer danger.

    The edgy line quality is so perfect for this subject.

  7. Oh wow! I can really feel the anxiety in their faces and teeth. Great details! Your lines convey the intensity of the moment so well. Fabulous work!

  8. Through your style, you've really captured the gritty & raw nature of this take on "suspense". You convey a real energy and emotion with this. Nicely done!

  9. really nicely done. the style works well to convey emotion and the strong, tight composition creates tension. well done!

  10. That's really gripping, very good illustration of the horror of war!

  11. A really good take on the theme! Very dramatic illustration. Thanks very much for visiting me!

  12. Whoa, such suspense and terror. Their expressions are perfect for this theme and their situation. So intense. Great illustration!
